Fabled Copper Corp.
Fabled Copper Corp.
Fabled Copper Corp. is a junior mining exploration company. Its current focus is to creating value for stakeholders through the exploration and development of its existing drill ready copper properties located in northern British Columbia. The Company’s current property package consists of the Muskwa Project and the Bronson Property and comprises approximately 16,219 hectares in three non-contiguous blocks and located in the Liard Mining Division in northern British Columbia.
The Company is seeking to broaden and diversify its portfolio into lithium. In this regard, the Company has acquired the VOLT 2 Property, located in Miquelon, Quebec and has options to acquire the OHM Property, located in Val D’Or, Quebec and the VOLT 1 Property located in the Miquelon, Quebec.
Fabled Copper Corp. (FABL)
Information d'entreprise
SEDAR Information
Information d'entreprise
2024-0508 - Suspensions - BIO, FABL, HMPS, IWIN
le 7 mai/Mai 2024
Effective immediately, the following companies are suspended pursuant to CSE Policy 3. The suspensions are considered Regulatory Halts as defined in National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules. Cease Trade Orders have been issued by one or more securities commissions.