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2020-1238 - Nouvelles inscriptions - Neonmind Biosciences Inc. (NEON)

Le 29 decembre/December 2020

The common shares of Neonmind Biosciences Inc. have been approved for listing on the CSE.

Listing and disclosure documents will be available at on the trading date.

The Issuer is conducting research into potentially therapeutic uses of compounds found in psychedelic mushrooms and is commercializing edible mushroom infused beverages. 


Les actions ordinaires de Neonmind Biosciences Inc. ont été approuvées pour inscription au CSE.

Les documents d'inscription et de divulgation seront disponibles sur à la date de négociation.

L'Émetteur mène des recherches sur les utilisations potentiellement thérapeutiques des composés présents dans les champignons psychédéliques et commercialise des boissons comestibles infusées aux champignons.

Issuer/Issuer: Neonmind Biosciences Inc.
Security Type/Title: Common Shares/Actions ordinaires
Symbols: NEON
Number of securities issued and outstanding: 112 430 500 
Number of Securities reserved for issuance: 154 299 833 
CSE Sector/Category: Life Sciences
CUSIP: 64051V 105
Isin: CA64051V 1058
Boardlot/Quotity: 500
IPO Price/Price: $0.10/0.10$
Mackie Reasearch Capital Corporation.
Trading Currency/Currency Trading: $CDN/CDN$
Listing Date/Date of registration: December 29 2020/decembre 29 2020
Trading Date/Negotiation Date: January 4 2021/janvier 4 2021
Fiscal Year end / Closing of the fiscal year: November 30/novembre 30
Transfer Agent/Transfer Agent: Endeavor Trust Corporation.

The Exchange is accepting Market Maker applications for NEON. Please email: [email protected]

If you have any questions or require further information please contact Listings at (416) 367-7340 or E-mail: [email protected]

For further information, please contact the registration department at 416-367-7340 or email: [email protected]

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