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Life Sciences

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The Life Sciences sector includes companies involved in biopharmaceuticals, medical manufacturing and distribution, and bio products.

Life sciences companies listed on CSE

BetterLife Pharma Inc. is an emerging biotechnology company primarily focused on developing and commercializing two compounds, BETR-001 and BETR-002, to treat neuro-psychiatric and neurological disorders.

BETR-001, which is in preclinical and IND-enabling studies, is a non-hallucinogenic and non-controlled LSD derivative in development and it is unique in that it is unregulated and therefore can be self-administered. BetterLife’s synthesis patent for BETR-001 eliminates regulatory hurdles and its pending patent for composition and method of use covers treatment of depression, cluster headaches, post-traumatic stress disorder and other neuro-psychiatric and neurological disorders.

BETR-002, which is in preclinical and IND-enabling studies, is based on honokiol, the active anxiolytic ingredient of magnolia bark. BetterLife’s pending method of use and formulations patent covers treatment of anxiety related disorders including benzodiazepine dependency.

BetterLife also owns a drug candidate for the treatment of viral infections  and is in the process of seeking strategic alternatives for further development.

bettermoo(d) Food Corporation is an innovative plant-based dairy alternative food and beverage company based in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, with an established award-winning vegan cheese company located in in Europe, and an anticipated dairy-alternative beverage, Moodrink, that is set to launch across Canada in the early days of Summer 2023.

Driven by the motto “What A Cow Eats and A Human Needs” bettermoo(d) seeks to produce dairy alternative products that are good for both people and the planet – ensuring that all products are nutritious and sustainably sourced, and that also emulate the great taste of traditional milk from the Alps regions of Switzerland, France and Austria. Working with food scientists the Company’s goal is to conduct continuous food research and development programs with the goal of rolling out a full line of dairy alternative products that are better for YOU and better for the planet.

BevCanna Enterprises Inc. seeks to develop and manufacture cannabinoid-infused beverages and consumer products for in-house brands and white label clients. With decades of experience creating, branding and distributing iconic brands that have resonated with consumers on a global scale, the team demonstrates an expertise unmatched in the emerging cannabis beverage category. Based in British Columbia, Canada, BevCanna has a 100-acre outdoor cultivation site in the fertile Okanagan Valley and the exclusive rights to a pristine spring water aquifer, as well as a world-class 40,000-square-foot, HACCP certified manufacturing facility, with a current bottling capacity of up to 72M bottles. BevCanna’s vision is to be the global leader infused innovations.

Biocure Technology Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company, specializing in the development and commercialization of major biosimilar products. Biocure is currently conducting pre-clinical trials of its biosimilar candidates of Interferon Beta 1b, PEG-Filgrastim and Ranibizumab as well as CAR-T Cell Therapy.

BioHarvest Sciences Inc. (CSE: BHSC) is a leader in Botanical Synthesis, leveraging its patented technology process to grow plant-based molecules without the need to grow the underlying plant. BioHarvest is leveraging its botanical synthesis technology to develop the next generation of science-based and clinically proven therapeutic solutions within two major business verticals; as a contract development and production organization (CDMO) on behalf of customers seeking complex molecules, and as a creator of proprietary nutraceutical health and wellness products, which includes dietary supplements. To learn more, please visit


BioMark is a Canadian based company that is developing its advanced stage cancer diagnostic business. BioMark’s cancer diagnostics technology platform leverages "Omics" and machine learning which allows for early cancer detection. BioMark is currently focused on bringing its cancer diagnostic kits and detection solution to commercialization standards and hopes to commence distribution once clinical trials are complete and regulatory acceptance is obtained. For more information please visit the company’s website at

Biome Grow Inc. (CSE:BIO) is a Canadian cannabis company with operations mainly concentrated in Atlantic Canada.   The company wholly owns five subsidiaries, including: The Back Home Medical Cannabis Corporation, a company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador and in the late stages of applying for a license under the Cannabis Act; Great Lakes Cannabis, an Ontario company also in the late stages of applying for a license; Highland Grow Inc., a licensed producer in Nova Scotia; Red Sands Craft Cannabis Co., a Prince Edward Island company set up to provide extraction services; and Weed Virtual Retail Inc., an Ontario company in the business of operating a new virtual reality technology and education platform.  In addition to these domestic cultivation and distribution assets, Biome also has five retail licenses in Newfoundland with stores opening this year as well as a significant MOU to be supplied a large quantity of CBD from a third-party supplier.  The company hopes to leverage the CBD business both at home and abroad by producing and exporting a range of CBD infused products starting late 2019.

BioNxt Solutions Inc. is a bioscience accelerator focused on next-generation drug formulations and delivery systems, diagnostic screening tests, and new active pharmaceutical production and evaluation, including: precision transdermal and oral dissolvable drug formulations; rapid, low-cost infectious disease and oral health screening tests; and standardization and clinical evaluation of emerging active pharmaceutical ingredients for neurological applications. The Company has research and development operations in North America and Europe, with an operational focus in Germany, and is currently focused on regulatory approval and commercialization of medical products for European markets.

BioVaxys Technology Corp. is a British Columbia-registered biopharmaceuticals company based in Ontario, Canada that is developing BVX-0918, a personalized immunotherapeutic vaccine using our proprietary HapTenix© 'neoantigen' tumor cell construct platform for treating refractive late stage ovarian cancer. BioVaxys is also exploring vaccines for additional cancers and infectious diseases based on its HapTenix©platform through academic and other collaborations.

Blueberries Medical Corp. (Blueberries) is seeking to become a large scale producer of naturally grown premium quality cannabis with its primary operations well situated in the Bogotá savanna in central Colombia. Lead by a specialized team with proprietary expertise in agriculture, genetics, extraction, medicine, pharmacology and marketing, Blueberries has received all licenses required for the cultivation, production, domestic distribution, and international export of CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)-based medical cannabis. Blueberries’ combination of leading scientific expertise, agricultural advantages, and distribution arrangements has positioned the company to become a leading international supplier of naturally grown, processed, and standardized medicinal-grade cannabis oil extracts and related products.

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