Urbana Corporation Class A
Urbana Corporation Class A

Urbana Corporation is an investment company with current interests across the financial services sector from exchanges to banks to broker dealers and investment managers.
Urbana has the scope to invest in any sector in any region.
The goal of Urbana Corporation is to generate long term asset growth through a combination of public and private investments. The mix of an actively managed, liquid portfolio with private equity investments ensures non committed assets are productively employed as we seek out and evaluate opportunities in the non public sphere. Many of the latter investments take time to mature and typically encompass high risk/high return characteristics.
Urbana Corporation, as a result of its permanent capital base, has both the scope and flexibility to act quickly as opportunities arise.
Urbana Corporation Class A (URB.A)
SEDAR Information
Company Info
News Releases
Press Release - Declaration of Dividend
2024-0110 - Notice of Distribution - Urbana Corporation (URB,URB.A)
le 11 janvier/January 2024
Urbana Corporation has declared a dividend of twelve cents ($0.12) per share (the “2024 Dividend”), on the issued and outstanding Common and non-voting Class A shares of Urbana.The dividend is payable on the 31 of January, 2024 to the Shareholders of record at the close of business on the 17 of January, 2024.
For further information please see the issuers news release.