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Notice 2021-002 - Notice of Approval - Amendments to Trading System Functionality & Features

April 19, 2021

In accordance with the Process for the Review and Approval of Rules and the Information Contained in Form 21-101F1 and the Exhibits Thereto, CNSX Markets Inc. (“CSE”) has proposed, and the Ontario Securities Commission and British Columbia Securities Commission have approved significant changes to the CSE trading system.

On December 15, 2020, CSE published the following notices and request for comment with respect to non-display order execution and immediate-or-cancel instructions for peg order types: Notice 2020-011 - Amendments to Trading System Functionality & Features and Notice 2020-012 Amendments to Trading System Functionality & Features - IOC for Pegs.  

The comment period expired January 25, 2021. CSE did not receive any public comments regarding these proposed changes. 


The intended implementation date for all of the approved changes is Q4 2021.

Questions about this notice may be directed to:

Mark Faulkner, Vice President Listings & Regulation,

[email protected], or 416-367-7341