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Notice 2022-001 - CSE Trading Fee Schedule

January 13, 2022

The Canadian Securities Exchange has received regulatory approval to introduce the following trading fee schedule for TSX and TSX venture listed securities. The changes will take effect on February 1, 2022.

Description of changes:

  • For TSX-V and TSX less than $1, the active rebate is being increased from $0.0002 to $0.0006 and the passive fee is being increased from $0.0004 to $0.0008.  For market maker trades, the passive fee for TSX-V is being increased from $0.0002 to $0.0007 and increased from $0.0004 to $0.0007 for TSX listed.
  • For TSX-V equal to or greater than $1, the active rebate is being increased from $0.0002 to $0.0014 and passive fee is being increased from $0.0004 to $0.0018. For market maker trades, the passive fee is being increased from $0.0002 to $0.0016.
  • For TSX-V, the addition of a second tier TOB credit for securities equal to or greater than $1.
  • For TSX, the addition of a tier one TOB credit for securities less than $1.
  • For TSX and TSX- V odd lot trades, the passive fee is being reduced from $0.0004 to $0.0003 for less than $1, and for greater than $1 the active rebate is being increased from $0.0002 to $0.0003 for both TSX-V and TSX listed equal to or greater than $1.

TSX-V Listed

   Current Active Fee New Active Fee Current Passive Fee New Passive Fee
Less than $1.00

A flat fee of $2 for
volume >=200,000 shares

A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

$0.0002 (Market Maker)
A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

$0.0007 (Market Maker)
A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

Less than $1.00
Tier 1: >=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on either side – average for the month

-$0.0002 -$0.0006

$0.0001 (Market Maker)

$0.0006 (Market Maker)

Equal to or greater than $1.00

A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

$0.0002 (Market Maker)
A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

$0.0016 (Market Maker)
A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

Equal to or greater than $1.00
Tier 1: >=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on either side – average for the month

-$0.0002 -$0.0014

$0.0001 (Market Maker)

$0.0015 (Market Maker)

Equal to or greater than $1.00
Tier 2: >=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on each side or >=30% in total for both sides combined – average for the month

N/A -$0.0014 N/A

$0.0014 (Market Maker)


TSX Listed

   Current Active Fee New Active Fee Current Passive Fee New Passive Fee
Less than $1.00

A flat fee of $2 for
volume >=200,000 shares

A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

$0.0007(Market Maker)
A flat fee of $2 for
volume >= 200,000 shares

Less than $1.00
Tier 1: >=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on either side – average for the month

N/A -$0.0006 N/A

$0.0006 (Market Maker)

Equal to or greater than $1.00



No Change

$0.0016 (Market Maker)

$0.0016 (Market Maker)

No Change

Equal to or greater than $1.00
Tier 1: >=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on either side – average for the month

-$0.0014 -$0.0014
No Change

$0.0015 (Market Maker)

$0.0015 (Market Maker)

No Change

Equal to or greater than $1.00
Tier 2: >=15% TOB (NBB or NBO) on each side or >=30% in total for both sides combined – average for the month

-$0.0014 -$0.0014
No Change

$0.0014 (Market Maker)

$0.0014 (Market Maker)

No Change



   Current Active Fee New Active Fee Current Passive Fee New Passive Fee
TSX-V and TSX: Less than $1.00


No Change



TSX-V and TSX: Equal to or greater than $1.00

-$0.0002 -$0.0003 $0.0004

No Change


Quick link:

Trading Fee Schedule

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact: