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Notice 2020-008 - CSE Trading Fee Schedule

August 18, 2020

The Canadian Securities Exchange announces changes to its trading fee schedule that will take effect on September 1, 2020, subject to regulatory approval.

Specifically, the changes are as follows:

  • The passive fee will be eliminated resulting in no charge for dark trading on CSE listed, TSX and TSX-V listed Securities.
  • Oddlot fees for CSE listed securities will be eliminated. 
  • Flat fees will be reduced to $2 either side where applicable.
  • For TSX-V listed securities below $0.10, the volume threshold will be reduced to 200,000.

1. Dark Trading Fee

Current Trading Fee

   Active Fee  Passive Fee

 CSE Listed

 -     Less than $1.00

 -     Equal to or greater than $1.00

 No charge

 No charge

 $0.0001 with a $5 cap


 TSX-V and TSX Listed  No charge  $0.00005


New Trading Fee

   Active Fee  Passive Fee
 CSE, TSX-V and TSX Listed  No charge  No charge


2. Oddlot Trading Fee

Current Trading Fee

   Active Fee  Passive Fee
 CSE Listed  $0.0002  $0.0002


New Trading Fee

   Active Fee  Passive Fee
 CSE Listed  No charge  No charge


3. Flat Fee and Threshold Adjustments

Current Trading Fee

   Active Fee Passive Fee

TSX-V Listed - Less than $0.10         


$10 Flat Fee >=400,000 Shares


$10 Flat Fee >=400,000 Shares

TSX-V Listed - Equal to or greater than $0.10 -$0.0002

$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares

TSX Listed - Less than $1.00 -$0.0002

$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


New Trading Fee

   Active Fee Passive Fee

TSX-V Listed         


$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares

TSX Listed - Less than $1.00                       -$0.0002

$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


Current Trading Fee - Market Makers

   Active Fee Passive Fee

TSX-V Listed - Less than $0.10         


$10 Flat Fee >=400,000 Shares


$10 Flat Fee >=400,000 Shares

TSX-V Listed - Equal to or greater than $0.10 -$0.0002

$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares

TSX Listed - Less than $1.00 -$0.0002

$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$15 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


New Trading Fee - Market Makers

   Active Fee Passive Fee

TSX-V Listed         


$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares

TSX Listed - Less than $1.00                       -$0.0002

$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


$2 Flat Fee >=200,000 Shares


Quick link:

Trading Fee Schedule

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact:

[email protected]