Notice 2019-006 - Amendments To Trading System Functionality & Features - Closing Price (CCP) Session Enhancements - Request for Comment
Notice 2019-006 - Amendments To Trading System Functionality & Features - Closing Price (CCP) Session Enhancements - Request for Comment
December 9, 2019
CNSX Markets Inc., (“CSE”) is publishing this Notice in accordance with the process for the Review and Approval of Rules and Information Contained in Form 21-101F1 and the Exhibits Thereto attached as Appendices to the Exchange’s recognition orders (the “Protocol”). The CSE intends to implement enhancements to its trading system in response to customer feedback. The proposed changes are described below.
A. Description of the Proposed Changes
CSE Closing Price (CCP) Session Enhancements
On September 30, 2019 CSE published Notice 2019-005 announcing OSC and BCSC approval of the proposed Closing Price Session. CSE is proposing amendments to the approved functionality, specifically: the addition of support for bypass orders and crosses in the Closing Price Session (“CCP”), and a change to the behaviour of how iceberg orders are replenished in the CCP session.
- The bypass marker and cross currently available during continuous trading will also be supported on orders and intentional crosses during the CCP session, allowing an intentional cross to be executed at the CCP in the case where more aggressively priced orders already exist in the book.
- Iceberg orders in the book during the CCP session with limits more aggressive than the CCP that replenish will no longer replenish visible volume priced at the CCP. They will instead replenish at their original limit price.
B. Expected Implementation Date: Q2, 2020
C. Rationale and Analysis
CSE is proposing the addition of the bypass marker on orders and intentional crosses and the change to iceberg order behaviour in CSE CCP in response to customer feedback about consistency with existing functionality on other exchanges.
The use of the bypass marker on intentional crosses during the CSE CCP is optional for participants.
D. Expected Impact
The impact is expected to be insignificant. The proposed changes are in response to customer requests. The use of these order types and features is optional.
E. Compliance with Ontario and British Columbia Securities Law
There will be no impact on the CSE’s compliance with Ontario and British Columbia securities laws. The changes do not alter any of the requirements for fair access or the maintenance of fair and orderly markets.
F. Technology Changes
Clients already support similar features (to these proposed) on Canadian marketplaces, including the CSE, during continuous trading sessions. CSE does not anticipate there to be a material technological changes.
G. Other Markets or Jurisdictions
The table below identifies where the proposed functionality is new or currently available.
Bypass marker on orders and intentional crosses in a closing price session | N/A |
Bypass marker on orders and intentional crosses in a closing price session | TSX |
Please submit comments on the proposed amendments no later than January 9, 2020 to:
Mark Faulkner Vice President, Listings and Regulation CNSX Markets Inc. 220 Bay Street, 9th Floor Toronto, ON, M5J 2W4 Fax: 416.572.4160 Email: [email protected] |
Market Regulation Branch Ontario Securities Commission 20 Queen Street West, 20th Floor Toronto, ON, M5H 3S8 Fax: 416.595.8940 Email: [email protected] |
Vida Mehin Senior Legal Counsel, Capital Markets Regulation British Columbia Securities Commission 701 West Georgia Street P.O. Box 10142, Pacific Centre Vancouver, BC, V7Y 1L2 Email: [email protected] |