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Notice 2016-006 – Regulatory Approval for Trading Fee Changes

Further to Notice 2016-005, the Canadian Securities Exchange has received regulatory approval for the fee changes outlined below. The fee changes will be effective Monday, May 2, 2016.

  • The selection criteria for Designated Securities have been amended.  The average daily trading volume requirement has been reduced from one million to 750,000 shares.  Additionally, the requirement that a Designated Security be priced in excess of $1 per share has been eliminated.
  • The requirement that a Market Maker trade one million shares in a Designated Security per month, in order to receive a reduced fee of $.0016, has been eliminated.  The fee of $.0016 will apply to all trade executions in Designated Securities against guaranteed minimum fill (“GMF”) eligible agency orders in the Guaranteed Fill Facility and in the continuous auction market.

Quick links:

List of Designated Securities
Trading Fee Schedule

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact:

[email protected]